Monday, November 05, 2007

The Fine Art of Photographing Your Artwork

I just got home from a meeting of the Valley Fine Arts Association, I went because there was a demonstration on how to take good pictures of your artwork. What I found out was that my camera Olympus 7.1 Mega pixels is not a wonderful camera. I cannot manually adjust the aperture, I cannot add big lenses, I cannot take a picture in a raw format. My camera makes all these decisions for me. If I want to take a photograph at night I just dial it to scene and select night time scene and the camera does all the thinking for all other photos I just set it on automatic, it's is a camera for dummies and very good camera for me.

Usually I take my art outside when it's cloudy or overcast (like most days in Alaska) or early morning, hang it on the nail against my house set up the tripod, get everything as straight as I can, set the timer for 10 seconds and stand back. Then in Photo Shop I add pixels and then re size and crop the photo. I know enough photoshop to do some adjustments if needed, It works for me. But I have a major problem with photographing my encaustic art; because the depth and texture are difficult to adequately show, there is usually a shine on the photograph because of the luminosity of the medium (notice this painting). LaMar tells me there is a polarizing filter for this situation and it can be adapted to my camera.
Well that is about all I wish to learn about the subject of photographing my art. I've been doing a pretty good job in spite of my camera.

Some come to the fountain of knowledge to drink, I prefer to just sip.

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