As with all great notions it started with a daydream; move to Alaska and settle down in a cozy cabin, next to a lake, with my beloved other, my dogs and family. Paint and make ART to my hearts content. It's been a long road, today I am fortunate to have realized that dream. My blog is mostly about ART and sometimes everything else.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Egos Galore or Is it just me?
Here are some examples; while at an artist meeting a lady introduced herself to me like this, "I'm Michelle and speak with a British accent." OK? it's not like my ears can't pick up uour charming British accent. I pass around my mushroom encaustic painting to the group and got a critique. The lady with the British accent said, "does the painting stand out as a painting? why was it painted in encaustic? Is it because I was just seduced by the medium?" What? Was I just insulted?
The other day another fellow artist and former friend (I broke up with her because she is high maintenance) called me to say that she had something to say that has been vexing her. She said my Virgin Mary with Jesus in her belly is very similar to something she painted over 10 years ago and she accused me of plagiarizing her work. OMG does that mean that all icons are plagiarized? Instead of calling her a crazy itch and hanging up the phone. I sought to reason with her but to no avail her mind was set.
Are there any new ideas really or has everything been done before? Years ago when I did my first assemblage I thought.WOW! I invented a new type of art. After researching a little further I soon discovered Assemblage art is definitely not a new idea.
When I picked up encaustic painting 6 or 7 years ago it was unique and new. Alas it is getting more and more popular, main stream and trendy.
I work hard at being a professional painter and artist; improving my skills and techniques, keeping my eyes and spirit open for inspiration and ideas, always striving to learn new things as they apply to my artistic vision.
I am secure with my artwork and I do not need to copy yours.
BTW most of the hits I get on this blog are people grabbing images of my artwork and photographs.
So I implore you readers, is there anything new under the sun or has it all been done before?
Let me know what you think about the questions of intellectual property, plagiarism and egotistical people, I promise not to take it too personally.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Young At Art or Listen To My Rant

Vars uses the wax to create multi-dimensional works of art, often adding found objects to her pieces. “I love encaustic wax for reasons not entirely definable. To me the medium is mysterious. Layers can be built upon layers and the transparency of some pigments let us look through to what lies partially hidden beneath. It can be molded, carved, heated, pushed, scraped, layered, and collaged into. I manipulate the wax and colors with specific results in mind, but ultimately the encaustic takes its own course and the results are always surprising.”The subject matter of Vars’ works is varied. She creates encaustic wax portraits portraying anyone from ancient Greeks to the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. She also has several pieces portraying ghostly images, spirits, and skeletons.“Wizened and Natal” encaustic wax creations by Judy Vars. Madd Matters Gallery (105 E. Arctic Ave) in Palmer
Monday, August 17, 2009
Magic Mushrooms
Yep it's Monday and I'm back painting on schedule, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I paint, paint, paint.
Thursday I network, Friday I could do office work, Saturday clean and run around and Sunday I play, hang out with family and friends and relax.....Sounds like a plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It's August and Still All About Me!
August is my month! my Anniversary is in August, my birthday is August 20th, and my art show is up all month long at the Madd Matters in Palmer.
Here is a video of the reception last Saturday night, my friends, family and some patrons showed up; Thank God I did not have to stand around awkwardly while nobody showed up: Here are some things people wrote about my art;
Enjoyed seeing your work_ very ethereal and thought provoking Gale
WoW Judy! I love your work Very delicious Dawn
I Love your work and keep coming back for another look Molly
I loved your show you are Great! 10+ Guess what I love the fish
Your surfaces are so very rich! Like chocolate cake, I love it...
You are awesome I always like seeing a little piece of how your mind works I liked your Prayer thingy, Enigmas, the trees were were awesome, the scary stuff was pretty scary, the girl alone, Delphic and your Romans are the bomb!!! Jeannie
Judy, Your work has evolved - still evolving- as you are!! If I can with permission am proud of you_ Beautiful Artist Great Success Love Fran
Fantastic! Follow your style - Maintain 1 interest at a time. You will sell! Wonderful to meet you Susan