It's been along time since I sold my 102 year old Victorian home in SLC packed up my paired down belongings, grabbed my boys Joel and Porter, took my Mercury Topaz and drove the Alcan Highway to my new home. People especially family and friends ask; why did you move so far away? Why? I often ask myself the same question and then I remember why, the decision was made because I began to feel this inexplicable pull to move to Alaska. I found myself longing for my Alaskan cabin, solitude, new beginnings, a chance to paint and create to my hearts content and I wanted a wonderful relationship (men in Alaska outnumber the women 10 to 1 or so they say).. Like my header said: As with all great notions it started with a daydream.Yet it was more like a pull in my soul, I couldn't explain it because it didn't make sense; sell everything, leave your job, leave your friends and family and move 3,000 miles north where you do not know anyone and start over at 40 + years old. Crazy! Yet the call of the wild was too strong to ignore, my pioneer spirit was excited unknown frontiers. So being true to myself I came to Alaska.
The reason for this story is a coincide-God, I noticed today while tidying up my studio. This is a painting/assemblage' that I created in 1994 in SLC. This work of art contains the seeds of my current artistic style. My artistic skills has improved quite a bit, still I love this piece. It contains my mission statement I made: Through my passion, power, and beauty. I create a world where others recognize their unique spirits and all live in joy and a celebration of life.
The first one came totally from my imagination and the other one is the chalk sketch I make that night. They are the same! Is that weird or what! My dream existed in my imagination and was brought to a painting before it was a reality literally. My minds eye saw it first, this is my coinci-God.