Monday, May 05, 2014

Costa Rican Girl With Fruit Basket

Costa Rican Girl With Fruit Basket
20 X 20
Encaustic Beeswax
Judy Vars and Gabriela Catarinella

This painting is a result of a happy happenstance.  We went to the Talentum Art Gallery to meet my bohemian friend Martha Sanchez.  Outside the gallery we noticed chairs placed on the wall in a colorful cavorting way, then we go inside this place is twaneese, twaneese, too nice, too nice. Talentum is located in the historic French district of San Jose, in an old mansion.  Peter and I looked at all the great art upstairs and downstaris and then sat down for some coffee and pie. Gilda (pronounced Hilda) runs the show and makes pies out of tropical fruit we've never tasted anything so deliciouso.  Sebastian the Chef/Artist is divine.  Martha  shows her art here and introduced me to a brilliant woman Gabrela Catarinella, besides being an artist, speaks multiple languages, she is a microbiologist, and the director of this beautiful gallery and bistro.

When she found out I was an encaustic artist she became very interested and asked me to teach her the process. She had already purchased some wax sheets and turpentine, I sent her after a heat gun and some natural bristle brushes. She bought us a gourmet lunch and after closing all of us went to the kitchen downstairs. I demonstrated encaustic painting and Gabriela took over together we painted wax all over her beautiful landscape. We had a blast!

Afterword Gabriela offered to pay me, ridiculous! I said, so she gave me her oil painting of a child and told me to put encaustic wax on top of it.  Well I was so humbled and grateful to be allowed to paint on another’s painting, I hope she approves.  We did not have all the equipment that we needed but it was just enough to get the idea and get her hooked on encaustic painting.  This slide show is for Gabriela.