Tuesday, July 02, 2024

When I'm An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple

 When I'm An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple



Judy Vars

When I was a younger woman I used to wish for wisdom as time passed I realized I was just longing for old age, because with age comes wisdom. 

Like Van Gogh and Frida Kalho I always wanted to paint my self portrait which not an easy task for someone like me. Finding the beauty in my wrinkles and sagging skin is more difficult than I thought it could be. I'm searching for the beauty in growing older. I am searching for radical self acceptance. 

I wonder if I could turn back the hands of time would I? Imaging aging backwards like Benjamin Button. 

I've learned that growing older faint of heart. We are not invisible, We are not irrelevant, We know more about life than we let on!  My we all grow old with love, beauty and grace, 

Monday, June 03, 2024

The Red Queen 
Mixed Media Oil Painting 
24 x 18 
Judy Vars 

The inspiration for this painting was the official portrait of King Charles the III, painted  by British artist Jonathan Yeo. This painting is controversial because of the dynamic red the artist used it gives you a jolt of strong feelings, like massacre, hell, love, lust and power, personally I am a big fan of RED.  

I could also call this the "Red Queen meets Bridgerton", you know the lovely British series based on books by Julia Quinn, replete with Queens, Lords, Grand Dames, it transports you to another era with all the elements of a great historical fiction romance novel; sex,  gossip, romance and period fashion   I'm INSPIRE-RED

Inspiration comes from everywhere 

Monday, January 09, 2023

The Blackest Black Raven - Exploring Voids and Empty spaces
16 X 20
Acrylic on Canvas
I am a "melanophile" one who loves the color black. 
In art we are encouraged to not use black paint because supposedly it creates a dead zone in an otherwise lively painting, I rebel! as any great artist should. So much fear and prejudice surrounding the color black.  
My raven was painted on a wrapped canvas the background was painted with Steward Sample Blackest Black 3.0. This paint is very matte and so very black, it almost reminds me of a black velvet painting. 

Anish Kapoor also invented a black color known as Vanta BlackKapoor bought exclusive rights to Vantablack so only he, alone could use it. This began feud between the two artists, Stewart Semple believed anyone should have access to this color then known as the “blackest black." It has the ability to absorb 99.965 percent of the light around it, and make objects seem to disappear into a black hole. Unfortunately for Kapoor, in 2019 a new rival black was created by MIT engineers that not only absorbs even more light, (99.99 percent) but is also tougher, and, as developers say, “built to take abuse.”

The paint was not cheap $55.00 for 10 oz but I would rather buy paint than any luxury lipstick any day, so money well spent. 

Ah Black you do not disappoint.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Grandma and Grandpa Aukongak's Cabin in Golovin, Alaska

 Golovin Home
Private Collection

Emily Murray commissioned me to paint her grandparents cabin this abandoned home from a picture I took in Golovin, Alaska many years ago. I had the opportunity with the Alaska State Council of the Arts to teach elementary kids art, while there I took lots of photos, made friends and learned things about the village. This was an enriching experience, the people were incredibly nice to me they gladly shared many things about the village and the people in the village, they make me feel welcome.
This two story log home was built for Mary when she married Sigfred Aukongak he built this for her because he loved her so much, they were married 52 years, they created so many happy memories for their children and grandchildren in this home. Mary was part Sami and Sigfried was a reindeer herder during the summers the whole family moved to Big Hurrah to take care of the reindeer herd. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Angel with the Violin goes full circle

This is one of the very first encaustic pieces of artwork created bay back in the beginning of my artistic adventures circa 2006. A friend Dawn Diaz had just opened a gallery, Rikki/Massage space called Choose Love Studios in Wasilla, Alaska. Dawn had a grand opening where she showed her artwork and invited me to show mine. People from the community showed up including Sarah Palin before she was infamous.  A woman whom I had not met before stopped in and she fell in love with this angel piece.  How much? she asked, I told her some very high over zealous number, she didn't buy it, but vowed she would someday. In the meantime she purchased two of my other icon paintings; Mary Mother of Jesus and Gabriel.  Yoby and I became friends, encouragers and admirers of each others work, she is a masterful writer, bonified genius and wildly mad, I love her so much. 

As seems to happen to everyone I love in Alaska they eventually leave you either by moving away or moving on. My friend Yoby moved back to Texas,  These days our relationship is mostly on Facebook and the phone.

After Christmas Yobs said she still wanted the piece, I took the attitude "show me the money" she did!

Peter repaired the tiny violin and I gave it a polishing, she is ready to go to her new home in Amarillo, Texas,  she will become part of the triptych of icons I created part of Yoby's altar along with Yoby's other spiritual  relics.  Because of Covid it's been an extra tough year for many of us, but for Yoby battling depression, pneumonia, cancer and losing her dear brown lab Caddie. The angel is her gift to herself for coming through it all and being spit out the other side, happier and alive.

People like Yoby don't come along every day I am so grateful for our friendship, our elevated conversations,  the quality time we spent together and so many other things she taught me without even knowing. Life is funny sometimes how things come around full circle this angel closes the circle she has moved on and found her next home.