Patti, if you are reading this you inspired me with your pin-ups. I am going to honor the Diva inside and have my celebration of my womans sensuality. Come back later when I'll ready for my close-up.
As with all great notions it started with a daydream; move to Alaska and settle down in a cozy cabin, next to a lake, with my beloved other, my dogs and family. Paint and make ART to my hearts content. It's been a long road, today I am fortunate to have realized that dream. My blog is mostly about ART and sometimes everything else.
Judy! You look stunning darling!
Let me tell you...if I could I would fly your right over to the east coast, and bring both our butts over to Isis and have a session. If you are EVER in NY you had better find me!!!!!
Here's to the sensual woman in ALL of us! patti
You can count on that!
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