Medium: Encaustic Beeswax, Glass bees, bee hive drawer
Dimensions: 9" X 18"
Artist: Judy Vars
Date: July 17, 2007
Price: 65.00
It was in the 70s today and not a cloud in the sky an uncommonly gorgeous day for Alaska. I was on my back deck with my encaustic paints creating, my neighbor was having a garden party it was fun to hear her boasting about the lake, her garden and the ladies sitting on the lawn chairs cackling like hens and enjoying the warm sun and the lake. For every ones pleasure the muskrat strolled past, the loon family swam nearby singing their beautiful sad song, the ducks landed nearby for a visit, the fish were jumping, the chipmunk chattering, the dragonflies mating and right on cue the eagle swooped low by the shore. Home Sweet Home was what I was thinking.
This was my creation today. I will be at the 2007 Alaska Garden and Art Festival at the Palmer Fairgrounds this Saturday demonstrating encaustic wax and selling some of my art in the Craftsman House at 11:00 am to 1:00 p.m. and again at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. There will be loads of people and interesting demonstrations, music, story tellers. I am interested in beekeeping, introduction to Bonsai and composting. I look foreword to the event and hope to see you there.
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