My friend Linda left last night on the red eye. Her stay was nice we had some fun I took her to Girdwood, the Palmer Museum and showed her my art work and we did our favorite thing shopping at thrift stores and yard sales and eating good food and talking. Even though the years had aged us both are still Linda and Jude. Today she is gone and I feel a little bereft.
We met when we were wild teenagers. I got married when I was 17 and had four kids. Linda choose not to get married and have children. I honed skills such as compassion, tolerance and care taking and she honed skills such as courage, perseverance and candor. We both learned to use our talents and survive. We are radically different women. Life has taken some crazy turns yet paradoxically still the same girls. We never thought much of getting older, life was still out there and so much of it, we took incredible risks, had many experiences, attended the school of hard knocks, had successes, a few failures, loved and lost, buried some loved ones. Yet here we are a couple of middle aged broads more experienced for sure and able to see life from a vantage of being older, smarter and wiser and wondering where did the frickin time go?
Linda took today's Pic-O-The Day A fiery sunset in August it seems poetic like and a couple of old broads still setting the world on fire!
Always your friend
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