ARTIST: Mazola
This is a painting of a glacier ride hubby planed for my birthday a couple of years ago. He painted this to give to the pilot who gave us the ride of a lifetime, I even flew the plane for about 15 seconds, thrilling!
My husband is a great artist, he supports me and my efforts to become an artist sell my work. For his art he asks for no recognition what-so-ever and even uses the pen name Mazola for his creations. He creates slowly and deliberately, seldom sells his art and mostly gives it all away. We found each other as kindred spirits who love art and the act of creating. He, unlike me keeps things in perspective. I need him to tell me where my art needs technical improvements because of him I improve my craft daily. Thank you sweetheart for the love and encouragement you give me. Thanks for being emotionally there for me and caring enough for me to let me shine. I love you!
p.s. The Palmer Museum picked the romantic landscape to buy. Geri said it was between the two and the judges were torn. I cried for a moment being second place in this situation is no consolation.
I think your husband and mine are cut out of the same mold, as we are. Hugs to my friend in Alaska!
Then that wasn't the right home for it! That is how you have to think of it. But how exciting..I have never even had an offer like that! patti
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