I've been keeping it under wraps, what my entry is going to be at the Wearable Art & Runway Fashion Show, "Overdone." It's top secret! hint, hint, it's called Transparent Man.
My damn camera is not back from repairs so my son-in-laws-brother is going to take a video clip. Can you say U-Tube? He He He (diobolical laughter). My new piece has taken 100s of hours and lots of blood, sweat, tears and a few heated debates. But the overall effect is going to be over the top and way overdone.
My model is getting cold feet and very nervous and mistakenly thinks he can remain annonymous, he he, heeee (more diobolical laughter).
My damn camera is not back from repairs so my son-in-laws-brother is going to take a video clip. Can you say U-Tube? He He He (diobolical laughter). My new piece has taken 100s of hours and lots of blood, sweat, tears and a few heated debates. But the overall effect is going to be over the top and way overdone.
My model is getting cold feet and very nervous and mistakenly thinks he can remain annonymous, he he, heeee (more diobolical laughter).
This is my entry last year a Mardi Gras Angel, we had so much fun that we are back for more, be there or be square.
OVERDONE Palmers 2nd Annual
Wearable Art
Fashion Show
Wearable Art
Fashion Show
Saturday, February 16, 2008, 7pm at The Palmer Depot
Presented by the Valley Arts Alliance http://www.valleyartsalliance.com/
Presented by the Valley Arts Alliance http://www.valleyartsalliance.com/
FABULOUS!!!!! And Peter looks pretty good in it too, lolol!
Wow, you have a lot of fun in your community, lots of things going on. I should pay more attention to what is going on here....but I can barely keep up w/what I AM doing without anything else thrown in. Geez, my daytime job is getting in the way of my life! xxpatti
We do alot to chase away the winter blues here and not get cabin fever.
You are really on fire with your art, web site, blog, exercize etc. you inspire me to get off my ass.
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