Medium: Found Objects and Wax
Artist: Judy Vars
Price 100.00
I met a cool lady last week with a passion for recycling Terry Koch she runs the Valley Community for Recycling Solutions http://www.valleyrecycling.org/ and a U-Tube video http://youtube.com/watch?v=-P1VSo9xgO0. I stopped by the recycling place to gather junk for my art. She was positive and helpful when I admitted that I wasn't as good at recycling as I should be she just said "start with one thing and go from there", I can do that! More later about my worm fertilizer farm. If we all make little changes then we all can make a huge difference in our planet, take care of your Mother.
VCRs 10 yr. Recycling Anniversary
Join us at the Palmer Depot
Sunday, April 27th, 2008
2pm t0 6pm
live music featuring"
My Assemblage Art will be there also.
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