We had so much fun tonight at the PAC very first wearable art show. Everything went off great. I tricked Nicole my daughter into modeling for me at first she had a small attitude at first narrowing her eyes at me etc, but then she started to have some fun. This was my costume Golden Angel yards and yards of netting pearls gold leaf the spirit of Mardi Gras is still alive. They played zideco music and Nicole worked the runway dancing like she was in the parade in New Orleans throwing beads into the audience. On the way home she told me what a good time she had, she actually said that it didn't suck afterall and called me a nerd. Well wait until next year I've got some ideas.

Some of the models were so cute I couldn't pass up taking this photo. Isn't she the cuttest and hottest.

This girl has a profile like a mast head a beautiful greek nose and wild blowing in the wind hair.
I've got a video clip of the fashion show in progress but I don't know how to download it. I'll figure it out tomorrow so check back. The Palmer Arts Council pulled of a superb fashion show. There were some very artistic entries like Tongass National Forest Coat and some very cute retro clothes 60s and 80s, the music, lighting, announcer, champagne and fancy deserts with a flair very campy. The whole evening was TOP DRAWER. Hooray for Palmer!
I gotta visit Alaska, it looks like fun.
Come right ahead it is fun! But please come in the summer unless you have lots of prozak..Ha Ha
just kidding not....
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