Today I stopped by to see my friend Bob. He parks his motor home on the Parks Hwy every summer and fixes windshield chips. After about 45 minutes listening to Bob my head is spinning with esoteric stuff you know the big questions of life and death. He practices the teachings of Adi Da i.e. Death is by no means simply a doorway to heaven. What is on your mind now, when you lose physical attention? What kinds of thoughts do you have, what kinds of dreams do you have, what kinds of fears do you have?
Whatever they are, they will make your experience after death. While you are alive, you have physical concentration and a brain that locks you away from the so-called unconscious. You have an opportunity while alive to purify yourself, but what is to be purified is outside the brain. You think it does not even exist — so you just indulge yourself in physical life, as if the physical exists for its own sake.
The physical is not there for its own sake. It is there to help you purify the deeper being, the deeper personality — to the point where you can be Gracefully Awakened to That Which Transcends even the deeper personality".

Huh? He is a little too pedantic for me, but still I felt calmed and serene in the rock/art garden Bob had created. He simply balances the rocks in the most unlikely positions and they stay that way for awhile no re bar, no glue just patience and balance. The rock garden is like laying on the grass when you were little, watching the clouds you see all sorts of fanciful creatures.
"Art like life is transient and all things exist in the eternal now." (I said that)

True art is not merely the product of a hero or heroine who is able to transcend himself or herself and create something which is then to be passively admired by others. Participation in an art form should be a great exercise that enables you to transcend yourself. True art has a purpose for others, not merely a purpose for the artist.
— Avatar Adi Da Samraj
1 comment:
Judy; really enjoyed your last few posts. Your writing is getting stronger.
Ah, the search for spirituality and purification of the soul while here on earth. It is a challenge.
Hopefully I will get to the Buddhist Temple today....gotta start somehow, lol.
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