Medium: Encaustic Collage
Dimensions: 5" X 12"
Artist: Judy Vars
Date: June 26, 2007
Price: 45.00
"The skeleton on the Floor" is titled thus because it was created on a salvaged piece of mahogany used for a hard wood floor.
I currently sell my art privately and at the Girdwood Center for the Visual Arts. If you are interested in any piece please contact me and visit my web site Cabin Fever In Alaska judy@cabinfeverinalaska.com
I am busily getting some art together for the Girdwood Forest Fair July 6th, 7th and 8th next weekend! It's going to be a blast, belly dancers, bluegrass, art, hippies, crowds and good food. We look foreward to doing the Forest Fair every year. I'll be ar the GCVA gallery on Saturday and at the GCVA booth some of the time.
I hope to see you there *:)
1 comment:
Judy; lost that email you sent me about some pictures. Shoot forgot what it was, what was it?! LOL. You asked me if I was interested in something but I have no idea.
I went to your webpage..oh lala, GREAT photo shoot of you. You rock!!! You would be a PRIMIER pin up girl model.
:) patti
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