At the Palmer Museum of History and Art, the board, artists, director, and others gathered to vote on the newest art acquisition. The artists that submitted art got a special invitation. It was an opportunity to schmoose with the Museum Board, Palmerites and other artists. And as my new BFF Sharen Harris reminded me it's a rule in Massachusetts we dress up after 7:00 p.m. Well up here in the frozen north we are in the habit of dressing for comfort and warmth, to us our newest fleece vest adorned with a pin, clean jeans and boots is dressing up and totally acceptable in Alaska. I took her advise however and put on some suitable evening attire. It turned out to be an excellent party, there was fancy h’ordeurves champagne, hot cider for me, a fruit centerpiece with pomegranates artfully arranged, it was very a nice gathering and I'm happy I dressed up a little for the ocassion.
My encaustic painting of Musk Oxen was not chosen but was well liked; Sharen’s Norman Rockwellesque depiction of downtown Palmer was chosen to be in the final five as was Eric Deeters work. Here is the link to the Anchorage Daily News story my name is mentioned and a picture of me sticking out my tongue, oh brother. Here is the article: http://www.adn.com/life/story/594019.html
you look great! sounds like a wonderful evening was had by all...im sorry your piece was't chosen.
what do they say? That you can't win if you don't even play? Hurrah for entering, and maybe next time! Your day will come.....
yes oh well they did write about me in the paper and include a terrible photo
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