After steady painting I need a break, assemblage is another creative outlet which I enjoy very much. An idea has been simmering in my subconscious for some time now. This summer I brought this rusty old typewriter home knowing it would become something again.

Assemblage is an artistic process in which a three-dimensional artistic composition is made from putting together found objects.
To make an assemblage sometimes you must dis-assemble, here are sticker keys the holy grail of the typewriter, the piece I wanted.

Now my nuckles are scraped and bleeding and I feel satisfied a sense of accomplishment. WD0-40 is my new best friend.
The raw ingredients have come together and my imagination is fired up, it is going to be a prayer machine/wailing wall of some kind. Check back with me this one is going to be flippin cool.

wow... my mind is dazzled by the possiblities. i can't wait to see more! hope you are staying warm and dry!! we had our first bite of winter this past weekend... no fun at all!!!
It's full on winter here, but I am used to the cold when it is 20 below for a few days 20 to 30 degrees above feels like spring.
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